BHK Code Vault

Jekyll Commands

The Jekyll gem makes a jekyll executable available to you in your terminal. The jekyll program has several commands but the structure is always:

jekyll command [argument] [option] [argument_to_option]

Examples: jekyll new site/ –blank jekyll serve –config _alternative_config.yml

Typically you’ll use jekyll serve while developing locally and jekyll build when you need to generate the site for production.

For a full list of options and their argument, see Build Command Options. Here are some of the most common commands:

jekyll new PATH

Creates a new Jekyll site with default gem-based theme at specified path. The directories will be created as necessary.

jekyll new PATH --blank

Creates a new blank Jekyll site scaffold at specified path.

jekyll build

or jekyll b - Performs a one off build your site to ./_site (by default).

jekyll serve

or jekyll s - Builds your site any time a source file changes and serves it locally.

jekyll clean

Removes all generated files: destination folder, metadata file, Sass and Jekyll caches.

jekyll help

Shows help, optionally for a given subcommand, e.g. jekyll help build.

jekyll new-theme

Creates a new Jekyll theme scaffold.

jekyll doctor

Outputs any deprecation or configuration issues.
