BHK Code Vault

List of Linux apps

A live listing of all necessary - and sometimes non-necessary - apps to install on a Arch Linux distro with the Qtile windows manager.

Name Fail Type
  qtile core
  picom core
  lxappearance core
  terminator core
  timeshift core
  micro core
  easyeffects sound
  quodlibet needs gstreamer.utils sound
  mda sound
  claf sound
  lv2-plugins a lot of them sound
  pnmixer sound
  xgamma video
  materia-gtk-theme video
  vscodium utils
  obsidian utils
  emby-server utils
  emby-theater utils
  sonarr change lang to english first utils
  thorium utils
  syncthing-gtk utils
  qbittorent-dark-git utils
  dropbox utils
  rofi utils
  nicotine utils
  git utils
  ttf-roboto utils
  xclip utils
  qt5-styleplugins utils
  network-manager-applet utils
  ytdlp utils
  dejavu get the ttf utils
  bashtop utils
  gst-plugins-good extra/gst-plugins-good 1.20.3-2 utils
  sshfs utils
#arch, #linux