BHK Code Vault

Updating Manjaro

Too often when I do updates of a bigger magnitude - such as updating after several months - it will often lead to the dreaded kernel missing message. Well, after doing that in the past I set forth to get rid of it once i updated..and the solution seems to be rather a simple one.

Update to a higher Kernel FIRST

Which I of course never did before and its what often bricks the os, that its trying to do both things at the same time. But above all use Timeshift first, to get back if it doesn’t work. Then find the next up the ladder version of the Kernel and add it in Manjaro Settings Manager.

Proceed to list the kernels to see if its installed, then use update-grub to get it at the next boot:

sudo mhwd-kernel --listinstalled
yay update-grub

SECOND boot into this new kernel

And of course start with the updates. It seems this is the safer method though nothing is ever 100% safe. :)

#linux, #manjaro